Monday, December 14, 2009

Pakistani plays

"Play 1 : Hotel Mohanjadaro
Director : Shahid Nadeem
Theatre : Ajoka Theatre
Time/Duration : 7.00 pm/75m
About the play : The play ‘Hotel Mohenjodaro’ directed by Shahid Nadeem is based on a shor story by named ‘Dhanak’ by Urdu writer Ghulam Abbas. In mid 60’s when the story was originally written, it was believed that ‘no Muslim can ever conceive of killing of bombing mosques’. But the time has proved that Ghulam Abbas’s prediction was true. It is said that great fiction writers don’t base their prophasies on data analysis but on their prophetic vision and intention"

"Play 2 : Burquavaganza
Director : Shahid Nadeem
Theatre : Ajoka Theatre
Time/Duration : 7.30pm/75minutes
About the play : Burquavaganza is also a story of love in the time of Jehad. It is the story of lovers who are determined to defy the hypocritical values of an ultra conservative society. In a society like ours, Burqvaganza was bound to land into trouble under an intolerant and retrogressive regime wearing the burqa of enlightenment"

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Sidi Goma

Sidi Goma
Perform in the 2nd International theatre Festival of Kerala, Siddigoma an African tribe who had migrated to India years before arrived in Thrissur yesterday. A special show of music and dance will be performed at the Bharath Muarali Nagar in Thrissur on 20th December 2009 evening.