Monday, December 14, 2009

Plays from Kenya

"Play 1 : Githaa (Kenya)
Director : Keith Pearson
Theatre : The Theatre Company
Time/Duration : 7.00 pm/70m
About the play : Githaa is a contemporary tale of Kenya Urban, ghetto life to with reference to our mythical and real rural past. A young woman is drawn into the world of a group of street performers and through a series of stories which connect the two realities, through song, dance and dialogue in a mixture of English and Swahili and other vernacular tongues, she works out her survival in this tough but thrilling environment. Githaa is a story that will have resonances throughout the world."

"Play 2 : Sauti Kimya (Kenya)
Director : Keith Pearson
Theatre : The Theatre Company
Time/Duration : 7.00 pm/80m
About the play : Sauti Kimya was originally inspired by the Taita community’s concept of the fighi – a place where all conflict is put on hold, a place of resolution and reflection. The performance explores the use of modern day bargs in Kenya through a layered texture of music, poetry, dance and dramatic action. "

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Sidi Goma

Sidi Goma
Perform in the 2nd International theatre Festival of Kerala, Siddigoma an African tribe who had migrated to India years before arrived in Thrissur yesterday. A special show of music and dance will be performed at the Bharath Muarali Nagar in Thrissur on 20th December 2009 evening.